Saturday, February 7, 2009

Your Blankets -

You've already received so many gifts, and have several blankets, some new and some with history.

The oldest is one that my grandfather, your great-great grandfather, Louis Goss, knit to receive me almost 60 years before you were born. He learned to knit to help out with the war effort during WWII, knitting for the soldiers. And I guess he got to like it as he went on to make this blanket for me.

Others were your mother’s. Both of these were gifts. The yellow and white blanket was knit by hand (not sure by whom) and given to us by one of your grandfather's good friends, Dale. As you can see by the colors, in the "old days" we had no idea if we were expecting a girl or a boy and so we were prepared for all contingencies.

This new one was a gift to your mother at her shower in Barnegat Light.

And this one I made especially for you, for your first bed. I started it in Barnegat Light and finished it in Miami, so it was witness to this first passage in your history.
As you can see we´re ready to receive you and keep you "comfy", as your Uncle Randy likes to say.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Road Trip

We took off from Barnegat Light on Friday morning under overcast skies and headed for the Delaware Memorial Bridge, which your grandfather and I crossed so many times with your mother when she was a baby, coming up to the island. This time we were heading south.

We had clear sailing through the Baltimore tunnel and then got stuck in traffic on the Beltway around Washington D.C., losing about 3 hours and any chance of reaching South Carolina on day 1. It was a long dreary first day for our trip. We spent the night in N.C. and woke up on Saturday to sunny skies which took us down to Johana and Waldo’s house in Irmo, S.C. We spent Saturday night with them and then headed south on a lonely road towards Orlando where we met Tia China on Sunday evening. Monday found us on the road again, on our way to Miami, to drop off boxes for storage and then to Hilda’s. That's us - the little trailer amid the giants on the turnpike.

Four days on the road. Time to separate from what was before and look forward to what is to come.

On Tuesday we visited with Maria and Israel, went shopping and ran errands.

Then on Wednesday afternoon your mother left your Tia and Tio and me at the airport. We travelled back to Maracaibo and your mother began to settle in to her new life.
Your Tio Luis put together a much more detailed version of these days (in Spanish) in

Monday, February 2, 2009


We’ll start with the surprise Baby Shower/Going Away party that the greater Kubel’s family gave for you and your Mom. Friends are so much more important than gifts and these friends have been an important part of your mother’s life over the past few years. She’s worked with them, played with them, been a part of their birthdays and weddings and baby showers, shared joys and sorrows. A special thank-you to Candice for all her work in organizing the party… and to Brooke, Cheri, Arlene, Jen, Kim, Kathy, Gracie, Maggie, Angie, Jamie, Pam, Cloe, Adrian, Stacey, Lauren and Annie. We’ll be happy to match names and faces for you, and tell you a little bit of each one of their stories, every time you ask.

Opening Credits -

So many people have come together to make this possible. Not only your direct ancestors – to whom we will introduce you in time.

Your great uncle Luis flew up from Venezuela to help us with the move and drive us down to Florida. Without him we would have been lost – probably literally and truly lost, seeing as your mother and I are both geographically challenged. Candice and Brooke organized a lovely sendoff for you and your Mom, Johana received us in her home in South Carolina, your Tia China waited for us in Orlando, Maria and Israel welcomed us in Florida, and Hilda, your unofficial Tia, opened her heart and home to you in Doral. They say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Hilda and your mother chose each other years ago, when they were studying together in San Vicente and she’s been part of our family ever since. (She was the only one your Uncle Randy would let cut his finger nails when he was small.) All of these friends have stayed in the house on 12th Street at one time or another and most have lived in (or at least visited) Maracaibo, where your other roots are anchored, so they are the perfect companions for this transition. We look forward to telling you the many tales of our journey – ask us about Fayetteville, about our faithful guide “TH”ara, or about the sudden rain in Miami the night we arrived which resulted in a breakfast of tortilla and birthday cake. For now let’s just get us from Barnegat Light to Miami.